From left to right : Marc-Etienne Favre, Vincent Bays, Eric Ramel, Amandine Theurel, Mathias Keller, Sylvain Tscheulin and Cléa Bouchat.
Our Team
Our law firm is specialized in areas that directly or indirectly affect the land, real estate and construction; each of LEXIMMO AVOCAT·E·S partners is also benefiting from a long and rewarding experience in various areas of his own choice that you will discover in his personal page.
Eric Ramel
certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
Direct phone: 021 613 08 06
Marc-Etienne Favre
certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
Direct phone: 021 613 08 04
Mathias Keller
certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
Direct phone: 021 613 08 05
Cléa Bouchat
certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
Direct phone: 021 613 08 08
Sylvain Tscheulin
Attorney admitted to the bar
Direct phone: 021 613 08 08
Vincent Bays
Attorney admitted to the bar
Direct phone: 021 613 08 08
Amandine Theurel
Trainee lawyer
Direct phone: 021 613 08 08